Saturday, June 25, 2011

A new sense of peace

As I was sitting outside this evening, enjoying the breeze, and looking at the stars, I noticed a new calm within myself. I felt peaceful for the first time since the tornadoes, and man, does that feel nice. Things aren't "finished", as we still have a lot of work to do, but I finally feel like I'm moving forward.

As I sat there watching the skies, I saw a shooting star, and took that as a sign that everything is going to be ok. I believe in signs, and I still wish on stars, so this has to be true. I know it's true. While some things within us may have changed with all we've been through, we're still the people we were before May 24th. Hopefully even better, and stronger. I still love this place where I live - love the openness, love the smells, the sounds, the people, this land. I love Oklahoma.

I know a whole lot of people who think this state is too cold, too hot, too flat, too windy, and it's all of the above, but no matter where I've wandered in my life, I've always ended up right back here. I think if you know where to look, the views in Oklahoma are breath taking - every bit as much to me, as what the oceans, and mountains are to others. I find quite a lot of beauty in the flat, sweeping plains, and in the gently rolling hills, in the wheat fields, and pastures full of cattle. I love the smell of fresh cut hay, freshly mown lawns, and newly plowed dirt. I love how the vast majority of the people here are friendly, and will wave, or give a nod when you pass them on the road. I love how neighbors help neighbors when there's a need. I love watching the lightening bugs in the summer, listening to the locust (cicada's) in the trees, walking through the pasture with my husband, and my dogs. I love sitting in the front yard, watching my granddaughters play, and laugh.

When I think about this place I call home, my heart swells, and sometimes I get teary eyed with thankfulness because I feel so lucky to be here. I've been a lot of places in my life, but this is the place I've always felt most at ease, most at peace, closest to God. So even though the tornadoes shook us up, and tore up some things, this place is still home, and we're staying put. We'll fight for it, like we always have during days long torrential downpours, weird hurricanes, droughts, ice storms, and all kinds of crappy weather, including tornadoes. We'll fight for it now, and we'll fight for it tomorrow, because this place is ours, and Dorothy was right: there's no place like home.
And I believe it takes more than just a house, to make a home.

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